Emergency Preparedness 


HHS Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Grant

The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Grant is the primary source of federal funding for healthcare systems to advance readiness for disasters. The Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response (ASPR) administers the grant and provides guidance and technical support through ASPR TRACIE and regional field officers. In Louisiana, the LHA Foundation assists and supports the state with distributing this federal award to healthcare coalitions, inclusive of core partners from hospitals and EMS providers.

Since 2002, the HPP grant has allowed hospitals to

  • Equip themselves with resources;
  • Increase patient surge capacity; 
  • Update personal protective equipment;  
  • Update communications assets; 
  • Train and exercise for all hazards; and
  • Build relationships with their communities,

Moving into a new 5-year period of performance, HPP will continue to address communities needs while performing the following core functions:

  • Assessment and risk mitigation;
  • Information sharing;  
  • Specialty care planning and coordination;
  • Respond;
  • Healthcare workforce support;
  • Resource management;
  • Training, exercise, and evaluation;
  • Continuity and recovery; and
  • Organizational development,

Program initiatives are aligned with supporting the emergency preparedness regulatory requirement of hospitals and healthcare delivery system partners.

ESF-8: Health & Medical Response

Louisiana's ESF-8 Network

The LHA Foundation works with the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) to support Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8) preparedness and response activities through the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). Operating as a statewide coalition comprised of nine regions, this network actively participates in planning and responding to regional and state-level emergencies. Designated Regional Coordinators (DRCs) play a pivotal role in fostering relationships with hospitals, local emergency managers, Offices of Public Health (OPH), and other community agencies. Their community-centered approach enables the development of effective preparedness strategies while strengthening regional health and medical response capabilities.